In-Person Events
Elemental Magic Series @ Strange Brew Ft. Smith
Fort Smith friends! New in-person classes starting in March! A four-part Elemental Magic series focusing on a different element each month: fire, air, water, and earth. Each class will focus on many different types of magic associated with that element. Everything from protection and cleansing to retribution magic and more!
Discounted Class Bundle!
There's a discount for purchasing tickets to all four classes, $80 down from the regular $25 per class. Visit the Strange Brew Occult Shop website here and scroll down to the bottom of the events listings to find a link to purchase the class bundle.
FireDate: March 15, 2025
Time: 2:00-4:00pm Location: Strange Brew Occult Shop, 711 Garrison Ave, Fort Smith, AR 72901 An exploration of Ozark folk magic methods and traditions based on the four elements. With Fire we'll look at releasing and cleansing through burning, fiery walls of protection, roasting our enemies through retribution magic, candle magic, and more! This class is intended for practitioners from ALL backgrounds, Ozark or not, and ALL levels of practice.
AirDate: April 19, 2025
Time: 2:00-4:00pm Location: Strange Brew Occult Shop, 711 Garrison Ave, Fort Smith, AR 72901 An exploration of Ozark folk magic methods and traditions based on the four elements. With Air we'll look at cleansing and clearing using smoke, releasing curses into the wind, working with the vital breath energy of the body, seeing through magical illusions, and more! This class is intended for practitioners from ALL backgrounds, Ozark or not, and ALL levels of practice.
WaterDate: May 17, 2025
Time: 2:00-4:00pm Location: Strange Brew Occult Shop, 711 Garrison Ave, Fort Smith, AR 72901 An exploration of Ozark folk magic methods and traditions based on the four elements. With Water we'll look at the flow of magic through nature and ourselves as the basis of practice, how baths can be powerful cleanses, the current as carrier of intentions, several watery methods of divination, and more! This class is intended for practitioners from ALL backgrounds, Ozark or not, and ALL levels of practice.
EarthDate: June 21, 2025
Time: 2:00-4:00pm Location: Strange Brew Occult Shop, 711 Garrison Ave, Fort Smith, AR 72901 An exploration of Ozark folk magic methods and traditions based on the four elements. With Earth we'll look at burying as a form of cleansing, removing curses into biodegradable containers, planting and growing magical seeds of intention, connecting our magic to the trees, and more! This class is intended for practitioners from ALL backgrounds, Ozark or not, and ALL levels of practice.
Virtual Events
By purchasing/downloading this class, you agree that you understand that no part of the material dictated or provided throughout the duration of the course may be reproduced, distributed, or used in any other form (neither electronic nor mechanic, including photocopies and recordings), without the direct and written consent of the instructor, Brandon Weston.
Ozark Folk Magic Foundations Series
Complete Ticket BundlePurchase all five classes for a discounted rate of $100
(each class normally $25). You will receive recordings for all five classes, no matter when you purchase the bundle!
Cleansing and Clearing
Date: March 5, 2025
Time: 6:30-8:00pm (Central)
Location: Zoom (link will be emailed before the event)
Time: 6:30-8:00pm (Central)
Location: Zoom (link will be emailed before the event)
One of the largest and most important areas of Ozark folk magic is cleansing. This can include cleansing the body of curses and other maladies or clearing a space of unwanted, negative entities or energies. In this class, we’ll look at techniques of cleansing, both traditional and modern. We’ll focus on utilizing the Twelve Zodiac Houses located inside the body as a basis for knowing how and what to cleanse as well as look at techniques of magical clearing within the home. All are welcome, no matter what your practice looks like, Ozarkers or not, beginner or expert.
Live attendance is not required. Video recordings will be emailed to all ticket holders 3-5 days after the class.
Live attendance is not required. Video recordings will be emailed to all ticket holders 3-5 days after the class.
Warding and Protection
Date: April 2, 2025
Time: 6:30-8:00pm (Central)
Location: Zoom (link will be emailed before the event)
Time: 6:30-8:00pm (Central)
Location: Zoom (link will be emailed before the event)
After techniques of cleansing, protection work is the next most widely taught and utilized area of Ozark folk magic. Protection work can include both personal protection through the use of ritual and amulets as well as protecting the home through wards. In this class we’ll look at how to craft rituals and items for protection that are based within the idea of oppositions, in particular elemental oppositions. We’ll also look at the use of symbolic correspondences as part of protection rites and the specific place verbal charms for shielding hold in the Ozarks. All are welcome, no matter what your practice looks like, Ozarkers or not, beginner or expert.
Live attendance is not required. Video recordings will be emailed to all ticket holders 3-5 days after the class.
Live attendance is not required. Video recordings will be emailed to all ticket holders 3-5 days after the class.
Working Seasonal Magic
Date: May 7, 2025
Time: 6:30-8:00pm (Central)
Location: Zoom (link will be emailed before the event)
Time: 6:30-8:00pm (Central)
Location: Zoom (link will be emailed before the event)
Going with the flow of the seasonal and zodiac cycles has an important place within Ozark folk magic, both traditional and modern. It’s generally believed that if you’re able to fit your work perfectly within these cycles of auspiciousness, you won’t have to work so hard in your spells and rites. In this class, we’ll look at the different types of magic that can be worked at different times of the year, taking into consideration the seasonal cycles, moon phases, zodiac moon cycles, weekly cycles of the days, and even the cycles found within the day itself. All are welcome, no matter what your practice looks like, Ozarkers or not, beginner or expert.
Live attendance is not required. Video recordings will be emailed to all ticket holders 3-5 days after the class.
Live attendance is not required. Video recordings will be emailed to all ticket holders 3-5 days after the class.
Working Elementally
Date: June 4, 2025
Time: 6:30-8:00pm (Central)
Location: Zoom (link will be emailed before the event)
Time: 6:30-8:00pm (Central)
Location: Zoom (link will be emailed before the event)
One of the most interesting areas within Ozark folk magic is the connection to the four elements of nature. The four elements of fire, air, water, and earth serve as a modular basis for all forms of Ozark magic, from cleansing and protection to retribution and spirit work. In this class, we’ll look at how to utilize the correspondences of the four elements to address specific needs that arise within our practice. We’ll look in more depth at the idea of elemental oppositions as well as how to let the elements determine the form and ingredients of any ritual. All are welcome, no matter what your practice looks like, Ozarkers or not, beginner or expert.
Live attendance is not required. Video recordings will be emailed to all ticket holders 3-5 days after the class.
Live attendance is not required. Video recordings will be emailed to all ticket holders 3-5 days after the class.