I've finally gotten things organized enough to offer what I hope will be an exciting opportunity for those interested in deepening their folk magic education. Apprenticeships!
This program is open to anyone interested, regardless of where you are on the path, or where you come from. Ozarkers and non-Ozarkers are all welcome. Beginners encouraged.
The financial commitment is $100/month, and is paid through my Patreon. Apprenticeships are the fourth tier patron level.
Access to all posted journal entries, practice posts, and virtual classes. Regular Patron Level 1-3 perks.
Access to all additional virtual classes taught each month (at least one additional virtual class per month.)
One personalized 90-minute teaching session a month. You choose the topic! This can also be a geomancy reading or ritual-building session.
Additional 30-minute check-in meetings as needed during the month. And you know, as many emails as you'd like, I love chatting!
Personal practice and path guidance. Whether you're more on the magical/ritual side or spiritual side, I'd love to help you in your work.
Training in areas of magic, herbalism, divination, ritual work, etc. Lots of different areas to choose from. Be a generalist or specialist, it's up to you!
Receive secret lineage knowledge, powerful verbal charms, and mysterious rituals that have been passed down through countless generations...but only if you want that sort of thing.